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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Turning One eBook into Twenty Info Products or More

Turning One eBook into Twenty Info Products or More

If you have read my earlier articles, Finding Niche Markets and The quick and easy way to produce ebooks then this very short article will greatly interest you.

I’m now going to show you how to create twenty info products or more using a special method that is vastly underused but hugely profitable.

It’s all about dominating niche markets and this is one way you can do that. What you do is create a generic ebook for your niche then create multiple versions of the product aimed at areas of the niche For example if you created a product aimed at dogs the generic product would be aimed at all dogs, but the sub products could be aimed at poodles, labradors, bulldogs and so on. All you’d need to do is change the title and the introduction so it was aimed at a specific dog breed and you’ve got a unique product that can be marketed to a highly targeted niche.

Does that make sense? Let me give you another example. If you were to create a product on the subject of how to be a great teacher you could create a generic book, and then with a few changes aim separate books at people teaching maths, people teaching science, people teaching history and so on. The key here is to create a product that will benefit everyone in a niche, and then create ultra specific versions.

From this you then set up mini sites with specific long tailed keywords, more on this in later articles in my newsletter.

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