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Friday, June 8, 2007

Turning a hobby into a cash income

Working from the comfort of your home with your own online business.

Do you have a hobby or an area of special interest?

Would you like to tell others all about it and at the same time get cash for your efforts?

This is the best way to start a home-based online business.

Putting together an ebook all about your hobby is a lot easier than most people think.
An ebook is just the same as a long letter you may send to a friend explaining all about your hobby, both produced at home. The ebook will be about 50 pages long.

Putting together 50 pages explaining all the tips tricks and special interests on a hobby subject may sound daunting but like most things there are tips and tricks on how to go about it. I have a series of other blogs and articles that go into more depth plus I run a weekly newsletter that covers this as well.

You may even think there was no point in doing it, as nobody would know you had written it, well yes the ebook is just the start. All online businesses should start simply like this and build up steadily, building knowledge and skill along the way.

Next you need to tell the Internet world all about it, so you produce a Blog site, then a Mini Web Site, again it sounds daunting but in reality just type up a single page summary (sales page) and using one of the many free word to web software tools convert it into a web page, add a picture and keywords relating to the ebook and you are one step nearer to getting a steady income.

To increase the awareness even further take one section and publish it as an article, put your details at the bottom and even more people will find out about your hobby and ebook again all this is from the comfort of your own home.

Still worried about the 50 pages, well I have an article on that, plus it is also covered in depth on my free weekly newsletter.

Your first ebook will take you well over a month to get all the elements together but after that you will be able to turn them out in a single day.

So no matter how daunting it may seem it is worth the initial effort. The thrill of getting your first email from PayPal saying you have received funds is truly exhilarating. Then when you have half a dozen selling at $17 then an extra $1000 per month could be yours, selling just 10 of each every month it soon mounts up!

For years I've been looking for the ultimate home based online business and writing ebooks is the bees knees. You make the initial effort, publish it then with the aid of PayPal’s auto responder have it delivered electronically just as soon as the buyer has paid.

Before long you become an acknowledged expert and people will be asking for your advice, this in turn gives you the ideas for follow up books, so your reputation increases further.
By the very nature of blogs, I can only briefly cover the production and marketing of ebooks, the subject is well covered by a wide range of experts and in the future blogs that I will be publishing, so be inspired and follow this up. It could pay for next year’s vacation.

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